I think reading a stack of Beirut and Heller will be extremely

by admin August 15, 2015

How do I break into brand and identity design

I canada goose outlet store really enjoy everything about brand and identity design (the naming process, product or company positioning, the logo design, letterhead, business cards, etc). Luckily, in addition to liking it, it turns out that I am pretty good at it, too. However, I really want to canada goose outlet jackets take this to the next level. My friend and started a design business together where we share responsibilities and that’s going ok. But I really want a more long range plan.

1. What sort of higher degrees would serve me best? I was thinking of getting an MBA in marketing to help with setting up my own businesses and so I can canada goose be more reputable when making suggestions to clients.

2. Where can I go to submit my portfolio for possible freelance jobs?

3. My optimistic goal at this point is to somehow make a living doing this sort of work. What should I do to canada goose coats achieve this goal?

4. If you do this for a living, what do you wish someone would have told you or suggested years ago?

posted by milarepa to Work Money (11 answers total) 15 users marked this as a favorite

Companies/clients are not looking for an MBA, they want to see your past performance and book (work). It takes time to earn that kind of trust from major clients. The best thing I can tell you is it’s better to work for an agency for a time, which will quickly expand your knowledge and book, rather than trying to freelance it from day one. AIGA will have lot’s of info canada goose black friday sale for you.

posted by artdrectr at 9:19 AM on December 21, 2007

Identity design is, after book typography and typeface uk canada goose outlet design, generally seen by those within the industry as the apotheosis of graphic design careers. The best logotype designers got that way after decades of experimentation and polish, and while I don’t think any were self taught, don’t let that stop you from trying.

Study the best not just canada goose outlet nyc logo designers like Paul Rand and people who experimented and got away with some really crazy stuff, like Rick Tharp, but the great single image Canada Goose online / boil it down designers the people who are best with distilling a bunch of messy concepts into a single image. I’m thinking most about people like Tibor Kalman. Most importantly, devote yourself to typography. Logo is short for “logotype,” of course, canada goose outlet parka and the best typographers are frequently the best logo designers. Familiarize yourself completely with the canada goose factory sale writing graphic work of Doyald Young, Ruari McLean, Tschichold and Bringhurst.

Learn to build projects that is articulate and meaningful, not just glossy and pretty; things that DO THE WORK for the client, not just “work” for the client. I can’t remember which design educator said it, but to paraphrase: if you give the client exactly https://www.mild-und-leise.de what they’re asking for, but not what they need, you’re canada goose outlet store uk failing. That is, find out what they need by studying the company and their past identities (if any), and don’t canada goose outlet reviews give them a fancy web 2.0 ish shape that makes them happy but doesn’t actually communicate anything substantive or real about them.

This is all just design school 101 stuff your first lesson. I think reading a stack of Beirut and Heller will be extremely helpful to you at the very beginning. Stay AWAY from every single annual and best of logo book try not to even browse them at bookstores. canada goose outlet online uk They will damage you and your ability to think critically and origiinally. I work with award winning, industry accoladed designers who can’t write a lick.

Build a strong, diverse portfolio. Network through groups like AIGA. If you want to get more education, graphic design either a portfolio program or a master’s degree (no one will care about your degree, but you want to be exposed to teachers and students who are passionate about it). Study typography. Heavily. I used to teach at an art grad school and the two biggest differences between the people who did exceedingly after graduation were pure creative enthusiasm (which I don’t think you can learn) and a beautiful hand with type.

You can freelance for businesses directly, but if you’re serious about being good at it, trying to spend a few years canada goose uk black friday under a strong creative director is canada goose outlet canada more valuable than school anyway.

If you are, official canada goose outlet however, excited by the concept of brand and the business thought behind it, I work with a number of people who do have MBAs who are brand strategists, laying the strategic groundwork for the identity and positioning. But they’re never looking at a letterhead except to thumbs up/thumbs down it in relation to strategy.

posted by Gucky at 9:48 AM on December 21, 2007

These are really great answers. Thank you very much.

posted by milarepa at 9:53 AM on December 21, 2007

I have to second what Gucky said about maybe working with canada goose outlet uk sale people who are brand strategists. Its important to remember that branding is much much much more than logo design, letterheads, and business cards. Branding is the relationship a large corporation holds with its audience. Branding is what other people think of the company, not necessarily the logo and such (although of course that stuff plays a major role). In the grand scheme of things, the logos canada goose outlet sale and design work come nearer to the end. Knowing a little bit about this strategy (even if you’re not completely 100% interested in DOING that strategy) will help you tremendously with how you design your work. Or at least thats what i’ve experienced.

I suggest maybe picking up a few books on this. I think maybe The Brand Gap might be a good start. Here’s Canada Goose sale a quick pdf of what the book is about. Its a VERY easy read.

posted by modernsquid at 10:09 AM on December 21, 2007

A lot of companies are sick to death of the buzzworld of “branding”; I know my last employer disqualified any marketing firm that approached their work from that idiom. Get some broader advertising work into your portfolio. The world is cheap canada goose cheap canada goose changing, and you want to look like someone who understands what’s emerging. Pigeonholing yourself as a branding and identity person is not a good investment.

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